Home Blog How to make my YouTube channel more interesting?

How to make my YouTube channel more interesting?

By James McIntyre | Blog, YouTube | 18 Aug 2021 |

You might be wondering why it’s important to make your YouTube channel interesting. After all, there are so many other channels out there that have millions of views and subscribers. How can you compete with them? Well, what if I told you that the best way to grow your YouTube channel is by making it as interesting as possible? Would you believe me then?

In this blog post, we will discuss five ways to help keep your viewers interested in watching all your videos and possibly even subscribe to your channel.

1. Add a video introduction.

The first thing you can do to make your channel more interesting is to add a video introduction. You want viewers to know who they are watching and why this person deserves their time.

This introduction could be about how the video will provide them with information on an issue that affects them specifically, or it might just be footage of yourself telling viewers what they can expect to learn from you.

No matter what, make sure that it is short and clear so viewers know what kind of content to expect when the video begins.

A good introduction will help your channel become more personable because it gives people a preview of who you are before they watch any videos. They might find out things about you that they can relate to which will make them feel more connected to you. 

The introduction also helps make your videos more interesting when people are coming back for round two or three. Even if your video doesn't teach them anything new, seeing an introduction makes them want to watch the whole thing again just so they can see what you look like in person.

2. Use a catchy, memorable name for your YouTube channel.

Another way to make your channel more interesting is by creating a catchy, memorable name.

Think of the most unique and original title that you can think of because it will help people remember your YouTube channel and they can easily pass it onto friends. Making your channel stand out in this way also helps with personal branding as viewers become more invested in your channel and prefer it over other channels.

People will associate your YouTube channel name with you when they watch new videos, so make it something that stands out from the rest!

If you're struggling to come up with a unique title for your channel, try brainstorming some ideas by listing adjectives that describe you.

You can even use a famous quote from yourself! Just make sure that it's short so people don't have to spend too much time reading it when they're scrolling through their feed. By choosing an eye-catching name for your channel, you give viewers the incentive to watch more of your videos.

3. Create an interesting channel banner with text and graphics.

The banner design for your channel is an important part of the experience that viewers have with you.

Whether they're scrolling through their feed or looking at it from afar, this graphic and text combination will stand out - so make sure that your logo represents who you are as a content creator. You don't have to be a graphic designer or use expensive software. There are plenty of online tools that you can use to create great graphics for free.

The banner is also the first thing people will see when they go into your YouTube profile.

If it's not interesting or eye-catching enough, viewers might just leave without watching any of your videos. You want to grab their attention with these graphics and make them curious enough about what's inside to click play. 

A great way to do this is by adding a line or two of text that tells viewers the kind of content they can expect. This will make them want to watch your videos so they can learn more about what the banner is advertising.

4. Keep your videos short so you keep people engaged. 

One of the most important things that you can do to make your channel more interesting is by keeping it short but engaging.

Don't underestimate people's attention spans - they're shorter than ever these days! People don't have a lot of time on their hands, so if your video doesn't grab them within 30 seconds and keep them engaged for the duration, they'll probably stop watching and move on to something else.

That's why it's important that your videos are short but interesting enough to keep people hooked - don't make them too long or people will lose interest.

A good way to do this is by following a narrative arc with a beginning, middle and end. This will keep viewers interested because they can predict what's going to happen and anticipate the conclusion.

Another way is by telling a story that people find meaningful or emotional. This draws them in just like any other form of entertainment. There are many different ways you can be creative with your videos, so don't limit yourself when it comes to creating something that's interesting.

The most important thing to keep in mind when making your YouTube channel more interesting is by how you choose and present the content of your videos. 

5. Make sure you have good lighting so your videos look professional.

Lighting is an important factor in video production, especially if you're trying to make your videos more interesting.

Proper lighting makes the difference between a video that looks like it was made with a cell phone and one that has professional quality - so put some thought into how you can achieve this. It doesn't have to be difficult or expensive to make your videos look good.

There are plenty of affordable lighting solutions that you can buy at any local store, or even online. So if there's something about the setup for one of your videos that doesn't work well with proper light sources, it won't be difficult to fix. 

A quick and easy way to get better lighting is by putting lamps in the windows. You could also use natural light from a window if you have one, or install lights that will give off warm and soft lighting.


The more time you spend working on your YouTube channel, the better it will be. You can start by adding a video introduction that is short and punchy with information about who you are and what your videos are about. Next, give your YouTube channel a catchy name to make it memorable for people when they see it in their feed or search results. Create an interesting banner with text and graphics that reflect the content of each video so viewers know exactly what kind of information they’ll receive if they click play (or tap). Keep all videos as short but engaging as possible - don't sacrifice quality for length! Make sure there's good lighting in every one of your videos so they look professional, high-quality and appealing.


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